Infobox (Knob)
You can set Foreground & Background Colors and Thickness
Google Maps
Unlimited Polylines and Markers!
Slider C-2
Brand New Concept Slider!
You can create amazing sliders!
Cacoon v2
Check another awesome features!
New Filterable Portfolio Layout 1 Check Now!
with 5 different thumbnail effects..
- NEW Feature: Infobox (Knob) improved, Foreground, Background Color And Thickness options added.
- NEW Feature: Google Maps widget improved, unlimited polyline and markers option added with customization
- NEW Feature: You can disable search bar on main navigation
- NEW Feature: Slider Concept Two Added with many features
- NEW Feature: LayerSlider included
- NEW Feature: Flicker Widget
- NEW Feature: Page Builder Rich Text editor (CKEditor)
- NEW Feature: Two portfolio layout with 5 different tumbnail effect and isotope filtering
- NEW Feature: CSS Widget added on pagebuilder
- NEW Feature: HTML5 Video and HTML5 Audio post types
- Fixed: Gallery lightbox title on bottom left
- Fixed: Portfolio detail meta data problem
- Fixed: Portfolio Listing element filter by category option
- Fixed: Portfolio Block element filter by category option
- Fixed: Retina logo problem
- Fixed: Mobile responsive menu now bottom of logo 100% width
- Fixed: InboxBox (Photo) 100% fill problem
- Fixed: Header logo centering improved
- Fixed: Dropdown menu items are now have dynamic width
- Fixed: Page header sub header nowrap removed
- Fixed: Safari/Chrome(webkit) Menu Problems
- Fixed: Portfolio share vertical centering
- Fixed: Google maps zoom tools problem
- Fixed: Main navigation hove color change problem
- Updated: gmaps.js (v0.4.4)